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Our Week in Review!

Having fun making combinations of the number 4.

My Math sentences are 3 red and 1 black is 4 and 3 black and 1 red is 4.

My Math sentence is 2 yellow and 2 blue is 4.

My Math sentences are 1 red and 3 yellow is 4 and 3 green and 1 white is 4.

Everyone enjoyed reading the Big Halloween books that my last year's Kindergarten students made. If you haven't seen this years amazing Halloween version of 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?' by Bill Martin Jr Illustrations by Ms. Clancey's Kindergarten Class 2016-2017 stay tuned. You are in for a treat. Every child is taking their turn at bringing it home for a night to read.

After reading 'The Leaves Are Falling One By One' by Steve Metzger we decided to go out and reenact the ending. The best part!!!!!! Jumping in the leaves!!!!!!!

We are still on the hunt for LIVING THINGS when outside. The children LOVED finding this worm!



We ended our week off with a blast! We made predictions as to what we would find inside our class pumpkin. Once figuring out the contents of our pumpkin we estimated how many seeds we thought were inside. We used our sense of smell and touch to explore the contents and once all the seeds were found we counted and counted and counted for a grand total of 595!!!!!!!! Of course we finished Friday off by carving a Jack-O-Lantern for our class.

What an AMAZING WEEK!!!!!!!!!

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