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So the green onions have taken over my classroom. It is all the children are talking about. They come in first thing and head right to the green onion to see the changes that may have or may not have occurred over night. Some children are even wanting to cut the onion again to see if it will grow back. (Of course we will do this!!!!!!!!)

We have I WONDER questions on a daily basis but there were two that the children were really puzzled with and wanted to explore and learn more about:

1. Why was Ms. LaVallee's green onion and our green onion so different looking. Once again we went on the hunt for the answer. We found out that while both onions are considered green onions they both have different characteristics. Our class onion is classified as a scallion because it has a long white stem end that does not bulge out. Ms. LaVallee's onion is considered a spring onion because it has a large bulb on the bottom. It all has to do with the maturity of the seed. BOY OH BOY!!!!!! There was so much learning happening during this lesson!!!!!!!

2. Our onion was straight before we cut it has grown back with a curve in it. I WONDER WHY?????? For this answer we brainstormed a whole pile of ideas and read stories about planting. We came to the conclusion that because we housed our onion in a tall cup it was leaning against the edge of the cup. The onion wanted to grow and reach for the light. It couldn't grow straight as the cup was in it's way so it curved itself upward and toward the light. In the beginning the onion was in the outdoor garden at school. It wasn't leaning against anything so it grew straight toward the sky because nothing was in the way.


P.S. Ms. LaVallee's onion has started to grow back!!!!!!!! I wonder why it took so long to start growing????????

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